My eyes tear up every semester the girls start their first day back. They are growing up so fast. I can remember each one of their very first days at a MDO program. They both cried and cried for weeks. What a different story it is now. Addison walked right into her class and had a note on her folder from the day saying she was smiley all day. Love it. Landry's report was good also. They said she cried just for a bit and then was sweet all day. That makes this momma happy. The MDO program they are attending has been great for them in so many ways (i.e. social, mental, etc.). I love how they learn about the Bible while getting ready for Kindergarten. I know that learning about both will help equip them for the world ahead. May God bless and protect our girls and their teachers in this year of MDO.
Momma didn't get dressed up for the first day, because I painted our master bedroom for the next 8 1/2 hours. Pics to come soon. Love these girls to pieces.