Monday, December 6, 2010

Addison Meets Her Big Sister

As any parent that already has a child you wonder how they are going to react to a new sibling.  Jordan and I had discussed the process of how we were going to introduce Addison to Landry for weeks.  We spoke to many other parents that had gone through the same situation to get advice and a few of my doctors gave me some words of wisdom.

Since it was a little bit later in the day before we got Landry settled on Thursday, we decided to wait and bring Addison on Friday afternoon after she got done at MDO.  Jordan went and picked her up from MDO and brought her over the hospital.  The pictures I'll post will give a glimpse into how she reacted the first 20 minutes of so.  After that it went downhill. 

We decided that Jordan would bring her up to the room and we would have Landry in her bed instead of someone holding her.  That way she's not jealous as soon as she walks in the room.  That worked very well.  Addison told Landry hi over and over and over.  We have come a long way in the jealously department in just 3 days.  I will post updates of the relationship as it progresses.

Notice the look on her face - What has just happened?

1 comment:

  1. The look on Addison's face in that last picture is priceles... "what the heck?"
    I know that they will be the best of friends before long (well, as soon as Landry is a little more fun for Miss Addison LOL!)
